On Sunday, June 5 at 10 a.m., St. Michael's will celebrate the Day of Pentecost with an Ante-Communion Service (the liturgy of the word from the eucharist without the Great Thanksgiving or communion of the people). The Rev. Deacon Cathy Kline will preside and preach. The service will be followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall where we will serve cake to celebrate the birthday of the Church.
The term pentecost means “the fiftieth day.” It is used in both the OT and the NT. In the OT it refers to a feast of seven weeks known as the Feast of Weeks. It was apparently an agricultural event that focused on the harvesting of first fruits. The term is used in the NT to refer to the coming of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1), shortly after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension. Christians came to understand the meaning of Pentecost in terms of the gift of the Spirit. The Pentecost event was the fulfillment of a promise which Jesus gave concerning the return of the Holy Spirit. The speaking in tongues, which was a major effect of having received the Spirit, is interpreted by some to symbolize the church's worldwide preaching. In the Christian tradition, Pentecost is now the seventh Sunday after Easter. It emphasizes that the church is understood as the body of Christ which is drawn together and given life by the Holy Spirit. Some understand Pentecost to be the origin and sending out of the church into the world. The Day of Pentecost is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year in the Episcopal Church (BCP, p. 15). The Day of Pentecost is identified by the BCP as one of the feasts that is “especially appropriate” for baptism (p. 312). The liturgical color for the feast is red.
God Willing and the People Consenting
The Right Reverend David Cappel Rice Bishop of San Joaquin Will Ordain José Antonio Álvarez Luke Aaron Martínez To the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, the Eleventh of June Two Thousand Twenty-Two at Ten O’clock in the Morning. St. James Cathedral 4147 E. Dakota Ave. Fresno, CA 93726 Your prayers and presence are requested To RSVP: https://www.diosanjoaquin.org/deaconordination Led by Deacon Cathy. On May 17th, St. Paul's Book Group begins a new session with a book chosen specifically to coincide with Immigration month in June, The Death and Life of Aida Hernandez: A Border Story. (Available at Amazon.com) What happens when an undocumented teen mother takes on the U.S. immigration system? When Aida Hernandez was born in 1987 in Agua Prieta, Mexico, the nearby U.S. border was little more than a worn-down fence. Eight years later, Aida's mother took her and her siblings to live in Douglas, Arizona. By then, the border had become one of the most heavily policed sites in America. Undocumented, Aida fought to make her way. She learned English, watched Friends, and, after having a baby at sixteen, dreamed of teaching dance and moving with her son to New York City. But life had other plans. Following a misstep that led to her deportation, Aida found herself in a Mexican city marked by violence, in a country that was not hers. To get back to the United States and reunite with her son, she embarked on a harrowing journey. The daughter of a rebel hero from the mountains of Chihuahua, Aida has a genius for survival--but returning to the United States was just the beginning of her quest. Taking us into detention centers, immigration courts, and the inner lives of Aida and other daring characters, The Death and Life of Aida Hernandez reveals the human consequences of militarizing what was once a more forgiving border. With emotional force and narrative suspense, Aaron Bobrow-Strain brings us into the heart of a violently unequal America. He also shows us that the heroes of our current immigration wars are less likely to be perfect paragons of virtue than complex, flawed human beings who deserve justice and empathy all the same. Again the first of the four sessions is Tuesday, May 17, and each session begins at 3.30pm. You can access the Zoom session by clicking here and the passcode is 581362. Reading Schedule May 17 Part One: No Country for Young Women. Chapters1-9 May 24 Part Two: Trauma Red Chapters 10-16 May 31 Part Three: Slipknot Chapters 17-23 June 7 Part 4: Going Away to Come Back Chapters 24-29 (and Epilogue) |
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December 2024
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