12/29/2024 0 Comments Monthly News for January 2025Weekly Services
Food Ministry Dates
The Holy Name Service: Wednesday, January 1, 2025, in our Evening Prayer with Communion Service. Epiphany Sunday: On January 5, we will celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of the service we will remove the Christmas Decorations from the Church. The Baptism of our Lord: On January 12, we will celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord with our Renovation of Baptismal Vows. Please wear white clothes if you are able. Saint Michael’s Annual Meeting: January 19, 2025, after the 9:00 am Sunday English Worship Service in the Parish Hall during coffee time. All members of the congregation are invited to participate. This meeting will end no later than 11:30 am. Our Worship in Spanish will be at regular time, 12:00 pm. This is a crucial event in our parish life where reports are received from our various ministries, the financial report for last year and the approved budget for this year is presented, our Priest-in-Charge makes his report, and elections are held for two Bishop’s Committee (BC) Members and two Diocesan Convention Delegates. Nominations will be received from the floor. The following members are leaving the BC:
Next Bishop’s Committee Metting: Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 11:30 am, after the Annual Meeting of the Church, in the Parish Hall. The Bishop's Committee will affirm the Bishop’s Warden and will elect the Facilities Warden, the Clerk, and the Treasurer. January 26 is Alms Sunday. On the last Sunday of the month, all undesignated loose cash is deposited into the Parish Discretionary Fund to help those most in need in the communities of the Indian Wells Valley.
St. Michael's Episcopal Church News ItemsNews for St. Michael's and the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin Archives
January 2025
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